Tuesday, September 20, 2016

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes...


We are excited to announce that we are expanding our family through Foster Care and adoption. The Lord has placed it heavy on both of our hearts to care for these vulnerable children and we look forward to sharing the love of Christ through caring for them in our home.

We go into this saying to our friends and family, that we may not have the opportunity to adopt a certain child/children that may come through our home. The ultimate goal of Foster Care is reunification of the children and parents. In some cases reunification is not an option, and we may have the opportunity to adopt a child. Regardless, we will love each and every child as our very own whether they are with us two days, or two years.

We realize that you as our friends and family will have several different questions. This is what we can tell you:

       We have set our preference from newborn to the age of five, any gender, any race, and up to two children at a time. Once we are licensed we could get a placement that same week, that same month, or it could be a few weeks depending on the needs in our county at that time. (We will not be licensed until mid to late October, therefore we will not receive a placement until late October, or later) A child could be with us for a few days, weeks, months, or possibly years. It could be well over a year before we have the opportunity to adopt a child. We are in no rush to do so. We would prefer to adopt a sibling group, but only the good Lord knows where we will end up when the time comes. I know there are tons of other questions, so feel free to ask us anything and educate yourself on Foster Care.

    When the time comes, we will not be sharing any personal information about our children, so please respect that. Their story is exactly that, their story. We also want to say upfront, that we will not be able to post any pictures of our kids on social media, and ask that you do the same. We will be so excited, as will our friends and family, so take all of the pictures you want when you are with us, just no posting!

As Christians, we have been adopted by a Heavenly Father, 1 John 1:9 says that, we love because he first loved us.

We appreciate the out pouring of love that we have received from our friends and family before this announcement and all of the love and support from  here on out. We appreciate every donation whether it be clothes, toys, or random things you have known we will need, the prayers, and the encouraging words.The phrase is true, IT TAKES A VILLAGE, and we are so thankful for our village.

 Our hope is that we can inspire just one person to do foster care and adoption. We hope that God will use us as a light to all of the children who enter our home, to help the parents of these children, and to spread the word of God's love for us, after all, we are all adopted by the best father that ever was and ever will be.

God Bless,

The Davis'

***HUGE PROPS to Lisa Marie Bearden with Lisa Marie Photography on capturing these fun pictures that perfectly describe our excitement to start this journey of spoiling and love!

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