Monday, April 11, 2016

To my husband on our anniversary,

To my husband on our second anniversary, 

    Wow, 730 days I've been your wife. Some days it feels like it was just last week, and other days it feels like forever. When we met, I never knew life would take me here with you. I wouldn't trade a single day (good or bad). 

    These past two years have been hard. The time we've spent apart because of work, far out weighs the time we've spent together. We have  fought, we have laughed, and we have loved these past 730 days. 

    I won't pretend we have some picture perfect fairy tale romance. It's not the kind that people write novels about (although someone could make a good comedy show about us). But we love each other at the end of every day, and every day that ends like this is a happy ending in my book. 

    I want to thank you for everything. Thank you for working your self to death for our family, working crazy hours, and overtime nearly every week. Thank you for being patient, pushing me, helping me, and encouraging me while I finished school so I could get a better job. Thank you for reminding me you always love me and miss me, because being apart so much stinks. Thank you for making me adventurous, and for traveling with me. Thank you for being here for me on the really hard days I've had this last year, when I just felt like crawling in a hole and crying all day. Thank you for reminding me that God has a plan for us, even when I am impatient and don't believe it at the moment. 

    There are days I honestly want to strangle you (as I know you want to do the same to me), when you miss the clothes hamper, or the toilet, or both. But the good days out weigh the bad. I am so thankful for you and these past 730 days...I'm ready for the next 100 years with you.


Your Crazy Wife

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