Friday, October 7, 2016

To my future child(ren):

Dear future foster child(ren),

   I sit in the room that will be yours (one day very soon) daily. I look around, and I hope that it will meet your standards. I know it will all be unfamiliar and scary at first, but I hope it becomes comfortable and 'homey' as time goes on. I sit on the edge of your bed and bury my face in my hands and sob often while I pray for you. I can't fathom what you are going through now, that will inevitably bring you home to us.

  I can't wait to meet you, but I hate we have  to meet this  way. I hate you are hurting now, and I dread to see you hurting when you are here. I know you will miss your mom, dad, friends, family, and even your pets. I can't imagine all of that being taken from me in such a fast and scary way, as it will be for you. I know it's going to be confusing, scary, and so heartbreaking for you, but I hope you find comfort in things here in this room, and in our home.

 There are going to be so many unknowns during this journey for both of us, but this is what I do know:  We are in this together. I'm scared too. When you are hurting, you'll never be alone. God has you in the palm of His hand. You can trust me. I will always be here for you, whether you go home next week, next year, or if this room becomes yours forever. This is going to be new and different for both of us. God is writing your story, no matter how hard and confusing it may be.

  You have a dad in this home with a heart of gold. He's going to be wrapped around your finger no matter if you are a boy, girl, 1 day old, or 5 years old. He works so hard to make sure you are going to have a wonderful time while you are here, no matter how long it is for. He can't wait to show you how to do all the fun things, make messes, show you right from wrong, spoil you with every toy ever made, and to love you. You have 3 crazy dogs and 1 cat who are already so interested in everything in your room, they can't wait to meet you too. (Although they will be in for a rude awakening when they realize these two bedrooms weren't for them after all) You have a Pop who can't wait to take you fishing, give you all the popsicles you could ever want, tell you jokes, and tell you tall tales. Your BB is so excited to meet you too, even though she knows how broke you are going to make her. She can't wait to teach you how to shop, spoil you with anything you could ever want and need, and to play with you. You have a Dottie and Grumpy who can't wait to take you camping and see you play in the dirt with the 4,738 dogs we have between us and them at the campground. They can't wait to spoil and love you too. Then you have the aunts and uncles who will probably be the ones to spoil you with drum sets, singing dolls, and any noisy toy as payback to us for being "the best siblings ever".

    I know it's going to be new, we could never replace your parents and family in your eyes, nor do we want to. We want to become a second family, an added bonus if you will. We want to help you and your parents so you can have the best life possible. (If you get spoiled along the way, so be it) I know you are so lost at this time in your life, but I hope that through us you can become whole again. I'm  so thankful we get to go on this journey with you. God placed us both here for some reason that we will one day know and understand. It will change both of us forever for the better in the end.

I love you already, more than you'll ever know. 

Your crazy foster mama

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