Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Becoming Davis

     When I imagined 'married life' as a teenager,  I pictured having the picture perfect family. A cookie cutter home, in a cookie cutter neighborhood, lots of kids running around,  summer beach vacations, vacations in the mountains each winter, raising my family a few miles (at most) from my parents in my home town, a husband with some type of job in the business world, being a stay at home mom, having a spotless house, and cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    Now that I have been experienced this lovely marriage for the past 425 days, I can assure you it is nothing like I pictured or could have imagined. I don't say that in a bad way, it is just nothing I had 'planned' for as a young naïve girl. Our family is far from 'picture perfect', but we love it all the same. We don't live in a cookie cutter home in a garden home community in my hometown, but in a neighborhood thirty-five minutes from my hometown (which I have enjoyed much more than I originally thought I would). Our dream of lots of children running around in our yard has been put on hold by news from doctors, and the kids we have now running through our yard have 4 legs, are covered in fur, and have a tail. Our beach and mountain vacations don't take place in a hotel room, but rather in a camper, and are wherever our hearts see fit that season/month. My husband doesn't wear a suit and work a 9 to 5 job, but comes home in Carhartt pants, dirty callused hands, and arrives home in the wee hours of the morning. My dreams of being a stay at home mom, have drastically changed as I would probably do nothing productive other than watch a 5 year TV series on Netflix in 5 days, since I have no children now, and I can honestly admit that. I have a very rewarding job, but I definitely needed an upgrade in the professional world, and have since finished school and hope to land a new job in the coming months. Our 'spotless' home is not so spotless all the time, and those 3 meals are hard to make when your husband and yourself work the most asinine hours of the day.

    I would give nothing for my husband and our journey we've yet to be on so far. I cannot wait to see what the coming years will bring to our family. I am looking forward to making many memories thirty-five minutes away from my hometown, with our 3 fur children running around the yard, traveling with a camper behind our truck, and to becoming a better wife and family in this crazy process.

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